Stan Harstine, Ph.D.

Practical Gospel of John Resources

Explore these headings to find further information about Stan's written work.


Reading John Through Johannine Lenses, Lexington Books / Fortress Academic, 2021. Available for Kindle

A History of the Two-Hundred-Year Scholarly Debate About the Purpose of the Prologue to the Gospel of John: How Does Our Understanding of the Prologue Affect Our Interpretation of the Subsequent Text? Mellen Press, 2015.

Moses as a Character in the Fourth Gospel: A Study in Ancient Reading Techniques, JSNT Supplemental Series, 229, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, October 2002.

Reclaiming the Gospel: Proclaiming the Good News of God in Romans. Self-published 2020. Available in paperback or for Kindle

Reclaiming the Gospel: Proclaiming the Good News of God in Romans. Self-published 2020. standard-black


“The Children of God and the Son of God in the Johannine Gospel and Epistles,” in Anatomies of the Gospels and Beyond: Essays in Honor of R. Alan Culpepper, Mikeal C. Parsons, Elizabeth Struthers Malbon, and Paul N. Anderson, eds. Brill, 2018, 369-385.

"The Fourth Gospel's Characterization of God: A Rhetorical Perspective," in
Characters and Characterization in the Gospel of John, Chris Skinner, ed. Library of New Testament Studies, Continuum Press, 2013.

"Challenges to Teaching Biblical Literature as a General Education Requirement," with Phil Wiseley, in
Teaching the Bible in the Undergraduate Liberal Arts Context, Glenn Holland and Jane S. Webster, eds. Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2012.

“To What End, Methodology?: A Reflection on ‘Pursuing of the Elusive,’” in
What We Have Heard from the Beginning, Tom Thatcher, ed. Baylor University Press, 2007, 123-26.


“Un-Doubting Thomas’: Recognition Scenes in the Ancient World,” Perspectives in Religious Studies 33 (Winter 2006), 435-447.

“An Exegesis of the Character Jesus in Luke 8,”
Review and Expositor 97 (Fall 2000), 499-510.

Selected Reviews

Women in the Bible, by Jaime Clark–Soles. In Religious Studies Review, September 2021, 382.

The Ministry of Women in the New Testament: Reclaiming the Biblical Vision for Church Leadership,
by Dorothy A. Lee. In Religious Studies Review, September 2021, 382.

What John Knew and What John Wrote: A Study in John and the Synoptics,
by Wendy E.S. North. In Religious Studies Review, March 2021, 93-94.

Theology and History in the Fourth Gospel: Tradition and Narration,
by Jörg Frey. In Religious Studies Review, September 2020, 408-9.

Come and Read: Interpretive Approaches to the Gospel of John,
edited by Alicia D. Myers and Lindsey S. Jodrey. In Religious Studies Review, June 2020, 233.

Reading John and 1, 2, 3 John: A Literary and Theological Commentary,
by Alicia D. Myers. In Religious Studies Review, June 2020, 233.

The Glory of the Crucified One: Christology and Theology in the Gospel of John,
by Jörg Frey, translated by Wayne Coppins and Christoph Heilig. In Religious Studies Review, June 2020, 232-33.

Ways of Reading Scripture,
by Frances Young. In Religious Studies Review, March 2020, 85-86.

Configuring Nicodemus: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Complex Characterization,
by Michael R. Whitenton. In Religious Studies Review, March 2020, 92.

The Opening of John’s Narrative (John 1:19-2:22)
, edited by R. Alan Culpepper and Jörg Frey. In Religious Studies Review, September 2019, 381-82.

Portraits of Jesus in the Gospel of John, edited by Craig R. Koester. In Religious Studies Review, September 2019, 382.

Becoming John: The Making of a Passion Gospel, by Kari Syreeni. In Religious Studies Review, September 2019, 382.

Secret Religion in the Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks: Religion, edited by April D. DeConick. In Religious Studies Review, June 2019, 147-149.

Review of
Johannine Studies 1975-2017, by Francis J. Moloney. In Review of Biblical Literature [], 2018.

The Prologue of the Gospel of John: Its Literary, Theological, and Philosophical Context. Papers Read at the Colloquium Ioanneum 2013, edited by Jan G.van der Watt, R. AlanCulpepper, and UdoSchnelle. In Religious Studies Review, March 2018, 108.

Apprehension of Jesus in the Gospel of John, by Josaphat C. Tam. In Religious Studies Review, December 2017, 399.

Revelation: A New Translation With Introduction and Commentary, by Craig R. Koester. In Religious Studies Review, December 2017, 399.

The Gospel of John: More Light From Philo, Paul and Archaeology: The Scriptures, Tradition, Exposition, Settings, Meaning, by Peder Borgen in Religious Studies Review, March 2016, 44.

Christology and Discipleship in John 17, by Marianus Pale Hera in Religious Studies Review, September 2014, 157.

The Fourth Gospel in First-Century Media Culture, edited by Anthony LeDonne and Tom Thatcher in Religious Studies Review, March 2014, 43.

Prepublication Review for Oxford University Press of Bart D. Ehrman The New Testament 6th edition, October 2013.

Die Feste im Johannesevangelium: Jüdische Tradition und christologische Deutung, by Dorit Felsch in Religious Studies Review, September 2013, 177.

Gospel of John: A Commentary, by Frederick Bruner in Religious Studies Review, December, 2012, 238.

A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on John 1-4, by John F. McHugh in Religious Studies Review, December, 2012, 238.

The Testimony of the Beloved Disciple: Narrative, History, and Theology in the Gospel of John, by Richard Bauckham in Religious Studies Review, March, 2012, 18.

Echoes of Friendship in the Gospel of John, by Martin M. Culy in Religious Studies Review, March, 2012, 18.

Kinship Relations in the Gospel of John, by Joan Cecelia Campbell in Religious Studies Review, September, 2008, 199.

Imagery in the Gospel of John: Terms, Forms, Themes, and Theology of Johannine Figurative Language, edited by Jöeg Frey, Jan G. van der Watt, and Ruben Zimmermann in collaboration with Gabi Kern in Religious Studies Review, September, 2008, 199.

John, by Gail R. O’Day and Susan E. Hylen in Religious Studies Review, March 2008, 44.

Does the New Testament Imitate Homer? Four Cases from the Acts of the Apostles, by Dennis R. MacDonald, Journal of Biblical Literature 124 Summer 2005, 383-85.

Does the New Testament Imitate Homer? Four Cases from the Acts of the Apostles, by Dennis R. MacDonald, Review of Biblical Literature [], 2004.

Reading Mark by Sharyn Dowd, The Rhetoric of the Gospel by C. Clifton Black, and Luke by Henry Wansbrough. Perspectives in Religious Studies, 28 Summer 2001, 187-190.

Ciphers in the Sand: Interpretations of the Woman Taken in Adultery ed. Larry J. Kreitzer and Deborah W. Rooke. Review of Biblical Literature, [], 2002.

Galatians, New International Biblical Commentary by L. Ann Jervis. Review of Biblical Literature, [], 2001.

Jerusalemer Tempel und Tempelmarkt im 1. Jahrhundert n. Chr. by Jostein Ådna. Review of Biblical Literature, [], 2001.

Rethinking Gnosticism by Michael Allen Williams, Christian Controversy in Alexandria by Everett Procter, Heretics by Gerd Lüdemann, and Gnostic Truth and Christian Heresy by Alastair H. B. Logan. Perspectives in Religious Studies, 27 Summer 2000, 214-18.

Review for Mayfield Publishing Company of Stephen L. Harris, The New Testament: A Student’s Introduction, 3rd ed. Spring 2000.

Dreams and Suicides: The Greek Novel from Antiquity to the Byzantine Empire by Suzanne MacAlister. Religious Studies Review, 23 October 1997, 401.

A Marginal Jew, vol 1 by John P. Meier, The Continuing Voice of Jesus by M. Eugene Boring, From Jewish Prophet to Gentile God by Maurice Casey, and Jesus: A Gospel Portrait by Donald Senior. Perspectives in Religious Studies 21, Summer 1994, 157-60.

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